
A Practical Companion to Ethics is an accessibly written, concise introduction to the basic attitudes and skills that make ethics work, like thinking for oneself, creative and integrative problem-solving, and keeping an open mind. This unique volume illuminates the broad kinds of practical intelligence required in moral judgment, complementing the narrower theoretical considerations that often dominate ethics courses. It offers practical instruction in problem-solving by demonstrating how to frame an ethical problem and deal effectively with ethical disagreements. This book also addresses issues of the heart the call to responsiveness and care that underlies formal ethical theories. Appendices offer students advice about writing papers and offer instructors a range of creative and participatory ways to teach ethics. The optimistic tone and brisk pace of the narrative provide an entertaining and intelligent guide to "everyday" morality. This highly practical volume is ideal  for courses in introductory ethics, with applications in any course related to critical thinking and applied ethics.

Ficha Técnica

  • Imagem do exemplar disponível.
  • Livro usado, em ótimo estado.
  • Brochura com capa comum e 107 páginas.
  • Formato 14 x 21 cm. 
  • Miolo completo, limpo e firme.
  • Páginas limpas sem amarelamento, há um nome na folha de rosto e alguns destaques de parágrafos na borda do texto, sem anotações, grifos ou apontamentos, sem dobras nem rasuras.
  • Capas inteiras, perfeitas.
  • Lombada inteira e firme, perfeita.
  • Corte limpo e alinhado.
  • Autor: Anthony Weston.
  • Editora: Oxgord University Press.
  • Publicação: 1997.
  • Idioma: Inglês.
  • Peso: 177 gr.

A Practical Companion to Ethics - Anthony Weston (Usado, 1997)

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A Practical Companion to Ethics is an accessibly written, concise introduction to the basic attitudes and skills that make ethics work, like thinking for oneself, creative and integrative problem-solving, and keeping an open mind. This unique volume illuminates the broad kinds of practical intelligence required in moral judgment, complementing the narrower theoretical considerations that often dominate ethics courses. It offers practical instruction in problem-solving by demonstrating how to frame an ethical problem and deal effectively with ethical disagreements. This book also addresses issues of the heart the call to responsiveness and care that underlies formal ethical theories. Appendices offer students advice about writing papers and offer instructors a range of creative and participatory ways to teach ethics. The optimistic tone and brisk pace of the narrative provide an entertaining and intelligent guide to "everyday" morality. This highly practical volume is ideal  for courses in introductory ethics, with applications in any course related to critical thinking and applied ethics.

Ficha Técnica

  • Imagem do exemplar disponível.
  • Livro usado, em ótimo estado.
  • Brochura com capa comum e 107 páginas.
  • Formato 14 x 21 cm. 
  • Miolo completo, limpo e firme.
  • Páginas limpas sem amarelamento, há um nome na folha de rosto e alguns destaques de parágrafos na borda do texto, sem anotações, grifos ou apontamentos, sem dobras nem rasuras.
  • Capas inteiras, perfeitas.
  • Lombada inteira e firme, perfeita.
  • Corte limpo e alinhado.
  • Autor: Anthony Weston.
  • Editora: Oxgord University Press.
  • Publicação: 1997.
  • Idioma: Inglês.
  • Peso: 177 gr.