"The best study of our times that I know. . . . Of all the books that I have read in the last 20 years, it is by far the one that has taught me the most."—Le Figaro

Future Shock is about the present. Future Shock is about what is happening today to people and groups who are overwhelmed by change. Change affects our products, communities, organizations—even our patterns of friendship and love.

Future Shock vividly describes the emerging global civilization: tomorrow’s family life, the rise of new businesses, subcultures, life-styles, and human relationships—all of them temporary.
Future Shock illuminates the world of tomorrow by exploding countless clichés about today.
Future Shock will intrigue, provoke, frighten, encourage, and, above all, change everyone who reads it.
Praise for Future Shock
“Explosive . . . brilliantly formulated.”—The Wall Street Journal

Estado do livro

Usado, com avarias nas capas

Lombada firme e bem conservada

Cortes alinhados com escurecimento pela ação da luz e do tempo

Páginas limpas, a exceção da folha de rosto que tem um nome, e às pgs 1 a 3 que estão grifadas e com apontamentos.

Miolo firme e completo

Formato de bolso 17,5 x 10,5 cm x 26 mm

Fotos do exemplar disponível


Future Shock (Inglês) - Alvin Toffler - Bantam Books (1990)

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Future Shock (Inglês) - Alvin Toffler - Bantam Books (1990) R$15,15
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"The best study of our times that I know. . . . Of all the books that I have read in the last 20 years, it is by far the one that has taught me the most."—Le Figaro

Future Shock is about the present. Future Shock is about what is happening today to people and groups who are overwhelmed by change. Change affects our products, communities, organizations—even our patterns of friendship and love.

Future Shock vividly describes the emerging global civilization: tomorrow’s family life, the rise of new businesses, subcultures, life-styles, and human relationships—all of them temporary.
Future Shock illuminates the world of tomorrow by exploding countless clichés about today.
Future Shock will intrigue, provoke, frighten, encourage, and, above all, change everyone who reads it.
Praise for Future Shock
“Explosive . . . brilliantly formulated.”—The Wall Street Journal

Estado do livro

Usado, com avarias nas capas

Lombada firme e bem conservada

Cortes alinhados com escurecimento pela ação da luz e do tempo

Páginas limpas, a exceção da folha de rosto que tem um nome, e às pgs 1 a 3 que estão grifadas e com apontamentos.

Miolo firme e completo

Formato de bolso 17,5 x 10,5 cm x 26 mm

Fotos do exemplar disponível