
The idea for Philosophy in a Time of Terror was born hours after the attacks on 9/11 and was realized just weeks later when Giovanna Borradori sat down with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida in New York City, in separate interviews, to evaluate the significance of the most destructive terrorist act ever perpetrated. This book marks an unprecedented encounter between two of the most influential thinkers of our age as here, for the first time, Habermas and Derrida overcome their mutual antagonism and agree to appear side by side. As the two philosophers disassemble and reassemble what we think we know about terrorism, they break from the familiar social and political rhetoric increasingly polarized between good and evil. In this process, we watch two of the greatest intellects of the century at work.

Condição e ficha técnica:

  • Imagem do exemplar disponível.
  • De segunda mão sem manuseio aparente.
  • Brochura com capa comum e 208 páginas.
  • Formato: 14 x 21,6 cm.
  • Miolo intacto.
  • Páginas intactas, há apenas o nome do antigo dono na folha de rosto.
  • Capas novas.
  • Lombada nova, perfeita.
  • Corte alinhado e limpo.
  • Autora: Giovanna Borradori.
  • Idioma: Inglês.
  • Editora: The University Of Chicago Press.
  • Publicação: 2003.
  • Edição: 3ª, 2004, EUA.
  • Peso: 277 gr.

Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida (Seminovo, 2204)

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Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida (Seminovo, 2204) R$150,00
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The idea for Philosophy in a Time of Terror was born hours after the attacks on 9/11 and was realized just weeks later when Giovanna Borradori sat down with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida in New York City, in separate interviews, to evaluate the significance of the most destructive terrorist act ever perpetrated. This book marks an unprecedented encounter between two of the most influential thinkers of our age as here, for the first time, Habermas and Derrida overcome their mutual antagonism and agree to appear side by side. As the two philosophers disassemble and reassemble what we think we know about terrorism, they break from the familiar social and political rhetoric increasingly polarized between good and evil. In this process, we watch two of the greatest intellects of the century at work.

Condição e ficha técnica:

  • Imagem do exemplar disponível.
  • De segunda mão sem manuseio aparente.
  • Brochura com capa comum e 208 páginas.
  • Formato: 14 x 21,6 cm.
  • Miolo intacto.
  • Páginas intactas, há apenas o nome do antigo dono na folha de rosto.
  • Capas novas.
  • Lombada nova, perfeita.
  • Corte alinhado e limpo.
  • Autora: Giovanna Borradori.
  • Idioma: Inglês.
  • Editora: The University Of Chicago Press.
  • Publicação: 2003.
  • Edição: 3ª, 2004, EUA.
  • Peso: 277 gr.