
From the author of Future Shock, a striking way out of today’s despair . . . a bracing, optimistic look at our new potentials.

The Third Wave  makes startling sense of the violent changes now battering our world. Its sweeping synthesis casts fresh light on our new forms of marriage and family, on today's dramatic changes in business and economics. It explains the role of cults, the new definitions of work, play, love, and success. It points toward new forms of twenty-first-century democracy.

Praise for The Third Wave
“Magnificent . . . an astonishing array of information.”The Washington Post
 “Imperishably fresh.”Business Week
 “Will mesmerize readers, and rightly so.”Vogue
“Alvin Toffler . . . has written another blockbuster . . . a powerful book.”The Guardian
 “Fresh ideas, clearly explained. . . . Toffler has proven again that he is a master.”—United Press International
 “Toffler has imagination and an ability to think of various future possibilities by transcending prevailing values, assumptions and myths.”—Associated Press
 “Once you have walked into his version of the future, you may decide never again to whitewash some of the built-in frailties of the real present.”Financial Post
 “Rich, stimulating and basically optimistic . . . will unquestionably aid many to a greater understanding of [today’s] puzzling social changes.”The Globe & Mail
 “A detailed breathtakingly bold projection of the social changes required if we are to survive. . . . Toffler’s vision of a democratic, self-sustaining utopia is a brave alternative to recent grim warnings.”Cosmopolitan

Ficha Técnica

  • Condição geral: Usado em bom estado
  • Páginas: 537, limpas, sem anotações ou grifos, sem rasuras nem dobras ou amassados, amareladas pela a lçao do tempo.
  • Miolo: Completo e firme.
  • Capas: A primeira tem pequenas rasuras e o interior está bem escurecido, a última também tem pequenas rasuras.
  • Lombada: Inteira, em excelente estado.
  • Corte: Alinhado e escurecido pelo tempo.
  • Autor: Alvin Toffler
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Publicação: 1981
  • Editora: Bantam Books
  • Acabamento: Brochura com capa comum
  • Formato: Pocket Book 10,5 x 17,5 x 3,5 cm
  • Peso: 275 gr
  • Imagens do exemplar disponível

The Third Wave - The Classic Study Of Tomorrow (Inglês) - Alvin Toffler (Usado, 1981)

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From the author of Future Shock, a striking way out of today’s despair . . . a bracing, optimistic look at our new potentials.

The Third Wave  makes startling sense of the violent changes now battering our world. Its sweeping synthesis casts fresh light on our new forms of marriage and family, on today's dramatic changes in business and economics. It explains the role of cults, the new definitions of work, play, love, and success. It points toward new forms of twenty-first-century democracy.

Praise for The Third Wave
“Magnificent . . . an astonishing array of information.”The Washington Post
 “Imperishably fresh.”Business Week
 “Will mesmerize readers, and rightly so.”Vogue
“Alvin Toffler . . . has written another blockbuster . . . a powerful book.”The Guardian
 “Fresh ideas, clearly explained. . . . Toffler has proven again that he is a master.”—United Press International
 “Toffler has imagination and an ability to think of various future possibilities by transcending prevailing values, assumptions and myths.”—Associated Press
 “Once you have walked into his version of the future, you may decide never again to whitewash some of the built-in frailties of the real present.”Financial Post
 “Rich, stimulating and basically optimistic . . . will unquestionably aid many to a greater understanding of [today’s] puzzling social changes.”The Globe & Mail
 “A detailed breathtakingly bold projection of the social changes required if we are to survive. . . . Toffler’s vision of a democratic, self-sustaining utopia is a brave alternative to recent grim warnings.”Cosmopolitan

Ficha Técnica

  • Condição geral: Usado em bom estado
  • Páginas: 537, limpas, sem anotações ou grifos, sem rasuras nem dobras ou amassados, amareladas pela a lçao do tempo.
  • Miolo: Completo e firme.
  • Capas: A primeira tem pequenas rasuras e o interior está bem escurecido, a última também tem pequenas rasuras.
  • Lombada: Inteira, em excelente estado.
  • Corte: Alinhado e escurecido pelo tempo.
  • Autor: Alvin Toffler
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Publicação: 1981
  • Editora: Bantam Books
  • Acabamento: Brochura com capa comum
  • Formato: Pocket Book 10,5 x 17,5 x 3,5 cm
  • Peso: 275 gr
  • Imagens do exemplar disponível